22 May 2010

کیارستمی و جولیت بینوش در کنفرانس مطبوعاتی خود در فستیوال کان، توجه جهان را به زندانی شدن و اعتصاب غذای جعفر پناهی جلب کردند

Kiarostami defends jailed fellow direcor Jafar Panahi
The first segment of the nearly two-hour long conference (one of the longest ones I can remember, and I’ve been coming here for five years) was devoted to the political situation with Iran and Jafar Panahi’s detainment. In his introduction Kiarostami said, “cinema has been attacked, which is why I am intervening.” When the floor was opened for questions one Iranian journalist evoked the case of an Iranian singer who was recently jailed and asked, choking in between words,I noticed that Juliette Binoche herself was moved, a lonesome tear streaming down her left cheek.

by Ali Naderzad

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